Friday, July 23, 2010

Back Back Back to the dreaded DIET!

I am back to blogging on my fitness site. I've neglected it and neglected myself.

I have thankfully not gained any weight during my absense, it's been at a standstill for month actually. Which is a good thing because I tend to gain weight rapidly and loose it quickly and just be at the same place for a long while.

Exercising on the occasion helped on not gaining so much this past Summer.

I'm still on REVENGE MODE - have not bumped into the ex, fortunately but you know... I live in a really small town and sightings happens lol. Asshole pissed me off more and I need to find me a new boo anyways.

But that's not the reason for my return to slim down - for my dreaded turning of age 25 (vomits) me and a friend will celebrate in MIAMI, FL!

I am not walking down no beach in a two-piece but my goal is to get there and show flesh! Well... maybe peek-a-boo a G-string here and there.


I want this bikini...


So yes, will try to update this more often - hopefully I hear more from you ladies and your progress or feedback.
I'm off to the gym right now. UGH, dreading it but work has to get done.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ah Neglect! Wii Fit Active

Okay so I haven't posted previous 2 weigh ins.

Guys - I've been doing so bad lol. I just been in a super lazy, hungry ass mood. I dunno what got over me but I'm starting over again. Unfortunately I gained weight - currently 197 roughly.

So bad.
Last week I started my time of the month and so I retained a lot of water and bloat and me not drinking my water, I know half my gain is basically that... water retention. Gotta get back to chugging that H20 down. Hmm.

Anyways, I'm back on it again.
I recently bought Wii Active for my console to try at home when I'm too lazy to go work outdoors.
I've only done it once and holy shit did it work my ass out.

It was decent in terms of workout. I actually hated a lot of the workouts using the band and I'm not a fan of sit ups. So I stuck to running, sprints and kickboxing. You can customize the workouts to what sport/activity you want to do. How long and how often which is really neat. Then there is the 6-week challange... meh, lol. I rather do what I like but it's a cool feature for those working up to a challenge.

Anyways, how is everyone else doing so far?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Weigh In Week 3

Okay - so how was everyone's week?

Mines was semi-stressful... with work nearing an end and my new school about to begin I've had nothing but little worry thoughts.

Dieting wasn't anything special - I ate fast food here and there but I know to limit my food consumption throughout the day. It's a helpful tool.

Say if I want or I know I'll be eating out somewhere - McDonald for example (even though I haven't ate there since last year) but if I wanted a burger and fries. Well either my other meals in the day will be small like cereal or fruit so my kcalories are still within the loosing weight range and the next day I eat better and so on. It helps to moderate what you eat and not deprive yourself. At night I make sure to take in all my water intake and flush everything out. Bloating goes out because there's no water retention. Biggest tip I can give you. And when eating out, skip any empty calorie beverages like soda and even milk! Just water with lemon is good and if you drink half a glass when at a restaurant and finish the rest mid-meal - you'll be EXTREMELY full you wouldn't want to finish eating it. Painfully full lol. Then ask for another water and down it. Not full because of eating a lot but because of the water.

So I weighed myself and I'm down to 192 - I honestly dunno how that's possible but I'll take it. Down 2.3 pound from the last weigh in. Must be due to me not eating much and sleeping in a lot this weekend.

I really need to start working out. I'm going to purchase some games for my Wii to do at home or something... allergies are making it difficult to do outdoorsy things which I prefer doing.

Anyways, how is everyone else's progress so far?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Iphone Application: RunKeeper

I love my Iphone! And I'm not a phone fan at all - total convert.

Anyways, I was searching for applications under health and fitness and found this free one called RunKeeper.

What it does basically is track your distance and shows how many miles and calories you've done depending on what activity you're doing.

Btw, don't mind the difference in time/picture/miles - I screencap different activities to give an ideal of how it works!

On the screen it shows the time you've done, average minutes per miles, calories lost and total miles.
On the Option button - you can change your activity. It only has activities that have to do with movements (walking, running, hiking, jogging, etc.)

It also maps your whole distance and shows a pinpoint of your current position and how many miles it took you. So cool!

I wish I lost almost 900kcal - I forgot to turn it off while we were driving off, haha.

I'm not aware of any similar application for the Droid but iPhone has different applications, some costly and some free. I don't mind this because it's free but the accuracy differs. I don't rely on it 100% but I use it to give me an idea of how much I've hiked/walked in terms of miles.

Today I tracked 4 miles on the hills for 1.5 hours. Not bad considering it was all rocky terrain and cows all up in the way.

Any iPhone users have similar apps?

PS - blog with be open to the public soon! unless you girls prefer it private for your own... privacy lol.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Weigh In Week 2

Hello, hello -

Been a non-eventful, yet stressful week for me!

Hope everyone had a better time.
So, I realized my work is ending in a month - boo. I work for an elementary school, so we break when the kids break. Hate it. But I'm taking the Summer break to go back to school and start a real job. I'm stressing because of this economy and so many lay-offs, my chances of getting a job after school seems slim. I try not to think of the future in terms of that but it freaks me out. I hate being dependable on others. HATE! And this week I had to depend on rides because I have no car and also will have to depend on the parental to help pay for schooling - hopefully I qualify for the financial aid.

Anyways, so my diet wasn't good at all this week. Didn't work out apart from 1 day when I had to walk to work.

I currently weigh 194.3 - 1lb down, I guess. Bad eating does that! Boo.

How was everyone else's week?

And I apologies for neglecting this blog - just... blah lol.
I might make the blog open instead of private and just journal more - hmm.

Anyways - until later...


Monday, April 26, 2010

Weigh In, Buddy System and Hiking

Hi ladies,

Not sure if anyone was able to comment on the below post but I'm hoping to hear from you. Let me know if it works.

Anyways, it is 12:30 am MONDAY - and I am very late in the weekly weigh-in but I was out of town but I am here now with an update.

My previous weight was 199 and today I am 195.3.
Down 3.7 lbs, woop!

Every Saturday for the past month, me and my friend Analicia have been going to a local reservoir that also has many trails people go on. We usually walk/hike the hills instead of level ground walk. She use to weigh 260 lbs 2 years ago and lost over 90+ lbs in over a year. She had gained weight in the previous months because sadly her boyfriend had passed away last Summer. She gained about 30+ lbs since then and is with me on our weight loss venture and also her career goal is to be a Sheriff Deputy so she's working out to achieve that!

I have to say having a friend doing this with you is very important!
Not only for accountability but it's also nice to be working out with a friend because it doesn't feel like working out when all you're doing is gossiping away lol. She had told me about this place and it's how she managed to loose most of her weight over the Summer.

Analicia is one of 5 friends I "shuffle" around to work out with. One is my coworker Jasmine who I use to hit the gym in the morning with before work, another is a guy friend Javier and we tend to walk around his neighborhood after work - more leisurely. And my 2 other are support friends - Katia and Clarisse, we started the Sunday weigh ins over a year ago. For the 3/4 months we were really on top of each other - we all managed to successfully loose weight. I text them before ordering a burger and they're there to tell me "Celia, your ass won't fit into those skinny jeans" and vice versa. It's a guilt trip haha, but totally works! We've weened off it because our lives took over but none the less we still keep track of each others weight.

Back to the hills - here are some benefits from hiking by clicking on these links:
Take A Hike for Fitness
Health Benefits of Hiking

From the little time I've been doing, I have felt a difference between outdoor workout, gym and indoor workouts. Hiking definitely takes more endurance, the unsteady ground, higher elevation and wind resistance helps build that up more (aswell as your stamina) and make your body work more even. Even when going back down the hill, I still get a work out because of the steepness - it makes you work your thighs and calves cause you're preventing from falling over. My ass feels hella good after too, haha.

Here are a few photos from reaching the peak of one hill:

You can somewhat see the track, we parked on the far left behind the hill. It took an hour and 30 minutes to get that far.

Ana took one of me struggling up one hill:

Check out the background view, though! Don't see that at the gym that's for sure.

Anyone have their favorite outdoor activities or gone hiking?

Post Sunday Weigh Ins or inch loses too!
You're welcome to start and let today be your first day and weigh in next Sunday!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome to Get Right, Get TIGHT!

Hello hello...

Thanks for coming to the page and if you're following and willing to participate - major kudos and thanks to you! I wanted to make this blog as a support group for those of us who want to loose weight, get more fit and just getting things RIGHT and TIGHT! No one likes a flabby ass... (unless you have a secret fetish for it.)

I'm in the process of still getting things organize and making this an open forum of sorts and give each other accountability and motivation.

I'll begin with my story - if it were a novel, I'd call it...
"You'd Be Prettier If Only You Were Skinny"

Raise your hand if you ever heard that one before?
*raises both hand up*

So, I'm currently 24 years old. I want to say I was overweight since perhaps 4th or 5th grade. Just around the time when I moved from the big city to a suburban one. When everyone was under 100 pounds at that time, I was the girl who was 120lbs - granted, I was kinda tall at that age but still was pretty thick. I was a pretty active kid growing up so my weight sustains throughout the school year but once Summer rolled on - the weight would creep up. I guess because there wasn't any activity going on and I was very sheltered and my parents never encouraged Summer camps or program to attend to, I'd stay home and do whatever... including eating a lot.

I first hit 200 around my Sophomore year in High School - but physically I didn't look it.
After High School I steadily gained weight and my highest weight would probably be approximately 235 pounds in January 2009. Last year I made more of a commitment to get fit and lost 25lb while taking PE classes and eating slightly better. Once Summer rolled around (again) I found a bit of confidence and also my first boyfriend. Out went the diet when you're in LOVE haha, but I fluctuated a lot but never gained because I was still going to the gym and being active.

Relationship ended - as well as that confidence I had gained (stupid boys).

In November 2009 I decided to go to a weight loss clinic where I was prescribed Phentermine (an appetite suppressant drug). I'll discuss more about my journey on that in future post but I only recently returned to taking it again. I have since early 2010 lost an additional 11lb bringing my total weight loss to 35+ pounds.

I currently weigh 199lbs and while I'm happy to finally be out of the 200 mark - I still got ways to go. My goal for the year is to loose 50+ pounds (weight 150) and from then on I'll see how I look and feel and decide whether or not to continue loosing weight or just maintain. I really would like to shop at BEBE though, you know... they only carry sizes "skinny" "skinny bitch" and "newborn". For reals.

I will not copy and post articles from other sites or blogs. I want this to be 100% personal experience or information but linkage if totally fine. I'm personally not a fan of taking other people's journalism and pasting it on your own blog for the sake of having content on your site. Nope.

With that being said...

Starting this Sunday - April 25th, we will have our first initial weigh in (if you want to participate in that) or body measurements (if you're here for toning up of that sort). Everyone's weight/measurement will be posted on the right side so we all see each others progress!

I shared a bit about myself - now assignment #1: Share why you're here, brief story - optional if you want to post your weight. Share your goal. And lastly, what contents you want to see in this blog?

Those interested in being an Author (meaning you can make post into this blog) let me know and I'll add your name to the list. I'm wanting people who can add interesting content in terms of what exercise they did or folks who like to cook and post images/tutorials of what they make, shopping hauls, recommendations of fitness videos - rants, raves... WHATEVER - just if you want to contribute - let a girl know!

Now... go out there and getting things tight!